February 2010, I received my radio amateur’s licence, G-class.
Altho’ had a IC-2100 in my truck, (I was aware it was an ham’s station but well, at the time I was offered it, I thought it would be at least better idea if it ended with me rather than some other unskilled user) since the year 2008.
Current radio setup in Undanfari II: (Currently being rebuilt since 2015)
- Icom IC-2100 with 5/8 lamba antenna mounted on roof.
- APRS tracker, TT4; VX-2000; GPS serial mouse with 1/4 lambda antenna mounted on roof
- Icom IC-706MKII with monopole Italian Hamstick. (The custom made broke aparts in a storm few months ago)
- LGD IT-100 autotuner for stationary use with wire dipoles stretched from the body of Undanfari II
Radio setup in Undanfari III (Land Cruiser HZJ73)
- Icom IC-2100 with 5/8 Lambda antenna on a roof rack.
- Wouxun KG-UVD-P2 with TT4 modem
- Icom IC-706MKII with monopole Italian Hamstick.
- LDG IT-100 Autotuner.
Yaesu VX-8GR 2m/70cm handheld which I carry while hiking or on my bicycle.
I also run TF3SUT
TF2SUT-3 is a digipeater (WIDE1-1) and an IGate.
- QTH: Reykjavik, Skipholt
- KT8900 VHF radio, 144.800MHz 25W output
- 5/8 Lambda Tram on the roof
- Some random PSU
- Beacon – 10 min interval
- I-Gate function both transmit and receive.
I also run TF2ICELAND which is a Tier2 APRS server.
Here you can see more info on APRS in TF.
73 de TF3SUT